Afro Red-Flag Protective Shield is a shared interest group of companies aiming to promote the cultivation and adoption of an anti-fraud and anti-corruption culture at the workplace. In essence, our primary objective is the facilitation of a new dimension in the fight against white-collar crime and corruption in business establishments in the continent of Africa. We help Corporate Business Leadership uncover and prevent white-collar crime through the creation of an anti-fraud and anti-corruption enabling work environment.

Our Vision

Becoming a national and continental provider of business solutions, and a strategic compliance machinery that facilitate better ethical business practices in corporations that promote the virtues of dependability, accountability, and productivity for the shared good of humanity.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to facilitate optimal business practices in companies, organizations, and business agencies to foster values of trustworthiness, dependability, efficiency, and help companies develop pragmatic approaches to identifying pitfalls in organizational operations, recommend strategic compliance solutions to dysfunction-workforce, and inculcate rule-based oriented culture that alleviates the challenges that confront top management and executive leaders in achieving corporate objectives.

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Corporate History/Background

Afro RedFlag White-Collar Protective Shield Limited is incorporated in Nigeria under the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990. The company is an independent private service-oriented company that provides various services, through contractual agreement to foster due diligence in business organizations, institutions, and agencies to promote ethical business practices.

The company is a mission-oriented body of professionals driven to help multiple business organizations and agencies to achieve corporate goals, save cost and time, maximize human capital, and regain prosperity, with fewer resources, of companies predominately across the continent of Africa. We are committed to building bridges for the future using disruptive innovative ideas to provide evidenced-based solutions for businesses and organizations.

The pioneer of the Afro RedFlag White-Collar Protective Shield initiative believes that the success of our collaborative programme dramatically depends on the mutual understanding among the stakeholders, which consist of the management, consultants, employees, mentees, and clients. Based on this premise, the top management created the ARWPS NOMINATED MEMBERSHIP ADVISORY COUNCIL to improve the relationship and handle contemporary problems of our business network. We believe that creating a better society is a responsibility of all, and our mission is the promote Workplace Integrity and Social Responsibility with an inbuilt ARFPS Mentorship programme for ages between the years of 22- 28 years to acquire the inherent discipline of real work ethics that promote the virtues of dependability, accountability, and productivity for the shared good of humanity.

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Corporate History/Background  ...... cont.

The leadership of the company's core values focus on the fundamental principles that reflect transparency, reliability, and professionalism, which provides a high level of dynamism, fortitude, and perseverance to act as an agent of change in demanding organizations. Afro RedFlag White-Collar Protective Shield Limited model of operations are dependable. The organizational structure consists of top management, highly experienced scholar-practitioners, bureaucrats, seasoned managers and professional consultants; and a Reliable ARWPS Nominated Membership Advisory Council," individuals with high level of experience and scholar practitioners to play the role of oversight and recommendation on improving client satisfaction, effective mentorship program and organizational efficiency.

We specialize in working in partnership, and collaboration with organizational leaderships that need changes and seeking a more pragmatic approach to solving inherent problems of white-collar crime and corruption their institution or organization. Our priority is to help leaders of institutions and corporations to achieve their company's aspirations. Our teams of professionals, evaluate and analyze organizations and provide customized solutions. We provide the business intelligence and the logistics and strategy to rebrand the corporate image of companies, modifying employee behaviors at ease and changing the paradigm of the long unethical practice of dishonesty in the workplace.

We provide the expert knowledge and experience to promote rule-based oriented culture, and advance workplace integrity and increase a more meaningful sense of employees accountability and social responsibility in businesses in the continent of Africa. Our integrated service providers varies, which are scholar practitioners, organizational behavioral analysis, organizational management expert, organizational business psychologist, business strategist, legal practitioners, digital data analyst, cyber security Expert, forensic investigator, criminologist, research analyst, fact finders, risk management experts, Forensic Accountants, fraud examiners and others and we are committed teamwork to achieve success for all stakeholders for the good of society.

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AfroRedFlag Governance

At this page you will find topics related to the overall corporate governance of the AfroRedFlag Organisation, including the Corporate Bylaws, Charter of the Board, Powers of the Board, Ethical Standards and Responsible, Charter Of The Compensation Committee, Charter Of The Government and Nomination Committee, Charter of Audit Committee, Statement of Responsibilities, Policies and Procedures, our Vision and Mission Statement.

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Charter Of The Governing Council


Related Topic Below:

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Afroredflag Org


5 Alhaji Tokan, Alaka Estate
Surulere, Lagos 101283, NG

About us

Our goal is to work in a strategic alliance with business communities, and public agency to seek a standard solution to promote the Youth Mentorship Programme for Self Reliance. We are committed to providing multifaceted methods of tackling day-to-day business challenges in various organizations worldwide through mentorship programmes and providing specialized technical Professional Validation and Career Enhancement Training based on the needs of the group, organization, and institution.

© 2024 Afro Red Flag Protective Shield
